Freelancing Services - Introduction to Freelance Brand Strategy

Freelance Brand Strategy 2024

A freelance brand strategist is an independent consultant who helps companies develop and execute brand strategy for their clients without being an employee. As defined by Dribbble, “Brand strategists are responsible for getting to know a brand from the inside-out. This includes dissecting the audience, understanding company goals, researching competitors,[…]

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Website Maintenance - Keep WordPress Updated

Regular Website Maintenance Is Important

Why Website Maintenance is Crucial: A Guide for Website Owners to Know In the fast-paced world of digital technology, website maintenance isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing process. For those who already have a brand website, especially on platforms like WordPress, it’s crucial to keep all components updated to[…]

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Website Development - Hire Freelancer - Mumbai - Brand Strategy

Why Every Business Needs a Brand Website in 2024: Key Benefits

Do You Have Your Brand Website? Or Have You Been Ignoring It? In today’s digital landscape, having a brand website is almost as essential as having a business card. Yet, it’s astonishing how many businesses still don’t have an online presence. If you’re one of those who haven’t taken this[…]

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Professional content Writer

Content writer – Being a professional writer

Being passionate about your writing It’s not needed nor it’s compulsory for you to have any specialized college degree to be a content writer. Hence, being passionate about writing good content is all that you need. How to be a professional content writer, can be learned. You can develop skills through[…]

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Health – Tips for being a healthy freelancer

Being a Healthy Freelancer Most, if not for all, the significant wellbeing issues for most of the freelancers like you can be taken care off with a few changes to your lifestyle and the way you work. Some changes that may provide you to be a healthy freelancer are. Good Work[…]

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3 Tips for survival while freelancing slowdown

Freelancing slowdown As a freelancer, you are going to come across slow seasons and that could happen due to many reasons like: Type of industry o which you are providing your services. Time of the year, your regular clients are away and haven’t given you enough work. An economic shift[…]

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Safe Freelancing

Safe Freelancing – Follow the NINE to be FINE

Be a Better and Successful Freelancer, follow the NINE and be FINE. You’re your own boss, and that involves a lot of routine tasks that require good judgement on how you go about and run a safe freelancing business. Every project should have a contract signed All you need is[…]

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Cold Calling

Cold calling for business.

Planning Cold calling for business is important. The first step in the process is to create Ideal Client Profile (ICP), because you have to avoid wasting time just concentrate on selling your services / products to people who: Can afford what you’re selling. Want it. ICP should also contain information[…]

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Type of freelancer

Freelancer and their types.

Globalization and the technology revolution have increased the independent work opportunities (freelancer) and today freelancing is no more considered as an option of cheap resources. The freelancing industry has grown to a great extent and can be majorly categorized into 5 types. As a freelancer, you will fit into one[…]

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employee to entrepreneur

Transition from an employee to entrepreneur

Building a business is like building a house: Starting with a strong & solid foundation is very important. Your start will define your destination and will set a direction for the same. Validate the reason and motivation that you have to accept the TRANSITION from an employee to an entrepreneur,[…]

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